March 2011 Moms

We have had one hell of a week....

and not in a good way.  First as I have mentioned before last weekend our 22 year old cousin killed herself.  The calling hours and the funeral were absolutely heart wrenching.  I have never witnessed anything so sad in my entire life and hope that I never have to again.  Then on Wednesday I lost my job for no aparent reason, and Wednesday night we had a scare with the baby.  I started bleeding like crazy and of course I freaked out!  So I called my doc and he told me to relax and call first thing in the morning and come in for an appointment.  We went in Thursday morning and they did a u/s and baby looks great! Thank GOD!!  Turns out I have placenta previa and that is what caused the bleeding.  Finally some good news, and they also said that it should correct itself as the baby grows.  So after a week of terrible events, I'm excited to celebrate DS 2nd birthday tomorrow with our family! 

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers Image and video hosting by TinyPic I LOVE my little red heads!!!

Re: We have had one hell of a week....

  • Oh and when they did the u/s on Thursday they changed my due date because baby was so big, now it's March 6th instead of the 16th!  We got to skip a whole week!  yay!

    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers Image and video hosting by TinyPic I LOVE my little red heads!!!
  • Oh wow..sorry to hear about your crappy week.

    It will get better, hang in there.  At least baby is ok AND you get to meet him/her possibly a whole week earlier!! 

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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  • I'm so sorry about your loss it's terrible to see anyone pass away let along someone so young.

    Glad that everything turned out great the the LO AND you got moved up a week! Congrats! 

    BFP 7/17/12 DD#1 3/10/10 BFP 3/26/12 Natural MC 4/11/12 #2 Due 3/30/12
  • I'm so sorry you've had to go through all of this.  I pray everything improves soon.  Hopefully your LO's birthday will go perfectly and congrats on an awesome u/s!
    image Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • *hugs* that is a really crappy week.

     Happy bday to your DS.

    And the first thing I thought was... hey I thought she was a week behind me... Looks like we have more of less the same due date... I'm March 6/7 now depending on who you ask.

    Meant to ask, when's your amnio?

    Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
    4 losses (cp Feb 28 09, mc April 9 09 (5w5d), mc Aug 10 09 (7w1d), d&c Apr 12 10 (grew to 6w3d, mc confirmed at 8w5d). RX: Overies PCOS (hormones normal) & Balanced Translocation of Ch. 7 & 13 (40-50% mc risk)

    Cooking Blog
  • imageShemico:

    *hugs* that is a really crappy week.

     Happy bday to your DS.

    And the first thing I thought was... hey I thought she was a week behind me... Looks like we have more of less the same due date... I'm March 6/7 now depending on who you ask.

    Meant to ask, when's your amnio?


    Aww, we might have litthe twin babies!  One of my good friends is due on the 5th!  My amnio is on the 27th of this month.  When is yours?

    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers Image and video hosting by TinyPic I LOVE my little red heads!!!
  • imageAmandaJane08:

    *hugs* that is a really crappy week.

     Happy bday to your DS.

    And the first thing I thought was... hey I thought she was a week behind me... Looks like we have more of less the same due date... I'm March 6/7 now depending on who you ask.

    Meant to ask, when's your amnio?


    Aww, we might have litthe twin babies!  One of my good friends is due on the 5th!  My amnio is on the 27th of this month.  When is yours?

    We could well have (if I don't opt for the repeat C... still on the fence). My amnio is on Sept 21.

    Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
    4 losses (cp Feb 28 09, mc April 9 09 (5w5d), mc Aug 10 09 (7w1d), d&c Apr 12 10 (grew to 6w3d, mc confirmed at 8w5d). RX: Overies PCOS (hormones normal) & Balanced Translocation of Ch. 7 & 13 (40-50% mc risk)

    Cooking Blog
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