March 2011 Moms

What do you eat for breakfast?

In the morning I'm so hungry, but nothing ever sounds good until lunch, so I end up eating toast or something boring.

What are you guys eating?

Re: What do you eat for breakfast?

  • I eat a bowl of Total cereal for breakfast, the nurse at the Dr.'s office recommended it because it is high in calcium.
  • During the week I have toast with butter.  On weekends I make a small pancake.
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  • When I'm at work, I usually have a bowl of cereal...I have a few boxes of Kashi and Fiber One in my cubby there. When I'm home, I usually grilled a bagel, though last week I actually baked Pioneer Woman's cinnamon bread so I had that for a few days!
                                         my blog - cheese & cheesecake

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  • I normally eat bagels...only because I have discovered that if I don't do that I feel sick faster, is that weird or what? The days I don't eat bagels I feel awful starting earlier in the day, but when I do I feel great almost until 7pm...weird.
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  • I was eating cereal for breakfast, but at my last appointment my doctor told me not to.  Instead she suggested peanut butter toast to get in protein.
  • All i've been able to eat EVERY morning for the past 4 weeks is a banana smoothie (banana, milk, and lil bit of choc icecream). It's the only thing that is soothing after puking up every morning..
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  • I'm a bit of an exception, because I've had gastric bypass...  so i'm limited on what i can eat, and I need a lot of protein.  I basically have an egg with cheese every morning.  It's easy on my stomach and healthy.  so thats me, boring, but yummy. 
    HarLynn's mama
  • I try to eat eggs, toast, and 2 breakfast sausages. So far, I'm not sick of it because I change the eggs up but with all of that, I get about 1/2 of my day's worth of protein. I've been buying bread that's higher in protein and the sausage has a lot too. The whole thing takes as long as it takes to toast the bread so it doesn't take forever.

    I eat quite a bit of cereal though throughout the day. It's my go-to meal when I'm too hungry to make anything. Not the best for you but I suppose it's better than snacking on chips or anything. Most breakfast cereals have quite a bit of Folic Acid sooooo Idk I justify it that way lol :)

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  • I like toasted BP & J. yummy. or PB and banana.
  • I usually have cereal..Special K  or frosted mini wheats since they're high in fiber.  On weekends when I have more time I have a bagel with peanut butter.
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  • berries, yogurt and granola
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  • I guess I will be the odd one.  Right now my favorite breakfast is cold pizza. Most dairy makes me sick right now (except choc milk) and I can barely handle the smell of eggs.  I am starting to feel a bit better, so maybe I can get back to a regular breakfast soon.  I did have some bacon this morning!
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  • Of course cheese is dairy, and there is cheese on my pizza, but it doesn't taste the same ;)
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  • Umm....I've been eating a bowl of lucky charms. Honestly.  I eat that at 6am, and then I eat a big bowl of oatmeal at work b/w 9-10am.  I wasn't making it through the day when I just ate oatmeal at 6, and I do love lucky charms. I'm planning on buying some healthier cereal, but that's what's working for me so far.
  • I eat 2 eggo waffles, plain every morning.  I need to find something else though because they don't go very far.  But they are tasty and they don't upset my stomach!
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  • Bagels and cream cheese. And hot chocolate. Mmmm.
  • Strawberry Smoothie-Frozen Strawberries, Plain Yogurt, Wheat Germ (for extra Folic don't even taste it!) and a little bit of Skim Milk to thin it out alittle.

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  • I'll either have a bowl of cereal, a belgian waffle with strawberries, or a kashi bar.  On the weekends, sometimes we'll grab breakfast at the diner or get a bagel.
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  • Bowl of Special K red berries cereal and a glass of OJ.
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  • McD's sausage, egg, and cheese biscuits..had McD's every am this week...that's the only thing that sounds good.  I've only gained 1 lb so far too with these horrible eating habits :)
  • I've been eating a bowl of cereal every morning. Lots of Life, but this week I was in the mood for Apple Jacks!
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  • love love love cereal but ive been eating mashed tators with gravy :D yumm
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