March 2011 Moms

I think I'm developing social anxiety or something...

I was in the drug store last night, and this guy got in line behind me and he really was a decent distance from me, but i just couldn't help but think "Get away from me you creep!"  I felt like he was up my butt!!!! I had this same feeling a week or so ago in Wal-mart in line.  I feel like people are SO close to me, when really they are probably a comfortable distance. 

Anyone else having this?

Think its just maternal instinct protecting LO from strangers?


HarLynn's mama

Re: I think I'm developing social anxiety or something...

  • I'm always like this... people are gross and germy! 
    Joshua 1:9 - "Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.
  • I had something like this yesterday. I had to go get my hair cut and where I go is in a major college town. I used to live there for 4 years, but I do not remember the traffic being as bad as it was yesterday. I almost had a panic attack in the car because of the traffic. And I'm not talking like big city traffic or anything, it's a little town, but all the cars just felt too close.
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  • I'm always like this too. And what's worse is that people have to know that I'm pregnant... it's pretty obvious. And creepers still try to stare me down when I walk by. Sickos!
  • I think since I got pregnant I don't have a problem with people but with cars, I get paranoid when I drive.  I can't drive on the freeway anymore I get too nervous and paranoid, and me having two big accidents (not my fault) withing a period of 8 months doesn't help because now I think that no one else can drive. 

    I tend to stay home because of this. I hope it goes away soon. 

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  • imageLesleyH11:

    I think since I got pregnant I don't have a problem with people but with cars, I get paranoid when I drive.  I can't drive on the freeway anymore I get too nervous and paranoid, and me having two big accidents (not my fault) withing a period of 8 months doesn't help because now I think that no one else can drive. 

    I tend to stay home because of this. I hope it goes away soon. 


    I have always said I have car clostrophobia (sp).  I hate it when I'm jammed in the middle lane with cars all around me.  But now when I'm in a crowd, I just want to sit down and cry and push everyone away! 

    HarLynn's mama
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