March 2011 Moms

I really wanted today to be uneventful (tmi)

since this is the day I miscarried last time (11 w 4 d).  I just wanted to get past it without feeling totally stressed, anxious, and sad.

I was kinda feeling a little off all day today.  I had 2 bowel movements during the day which is very unusual for me as of late.  After dinner, I started to get really sharp pains in my belly. It felt like gas but it was really super painful. I ran to the bathroom and felt like I was going to go and throw up at the same time.  I started having diarrhea.  I was in there for a while and it was not fun.  I came back out and had to go back in a few minutes later.  That was over an hour ago and I hope it's over.  We did have pizza hut last night and I had the leftovers for lunch today so I don't know if that's what did it but I will not make that mistake again.  If it's only 1 day, it's not something I need to call the dr's office over, right?  I am drinking a lot of water now and trying to relax, but now I just feel worried. Over what I'm not exactly sure, but just worried.


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Re: I really wanted today to be uneventful (tmi)

  • I wouldn't worry since it hasn't been all day.  If it continues though I'd probably call just to let them know.  I hope you and your tummy feel better soon!
    image Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • Pizza always upsets my belly.  IDK if it is something in the sauce or if I just eat too much because I love it.  Anyhow, I would chalk it up to the pizza and we will see a little baby in March!
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  • well that is no fun at all! maybe it was nerves? sometimes when i get anxious i get diarrhea (gross i know). im sorry though, it must be a tough day to think about but yay for being the most pg you have been. that is a good milestone
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  • I hope you're feeling better now.  The ex-psychologist in me totally believes in psychosomatic symptoms that present themselves at times like these.  Hope tomorrow is a brand new day for your tummy! 
    DS born via c/s 11/08 and med-free GD VBAC DD 3/11! Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • imagechicsub:
    I hope you're feeling better now.  The ex-psychologist in me totally believes in psychosomatic symptoms that present themselves at times like these.  Hope tomorrow is a brand new day for your tummy! 

    I'm sorry you had such a bad day and I tend to agree with chicsub about it being psychosomatic.  My sister gets diarrhea whenever she is stressed or nervous - for her it's just a total mental/emotional thing.

  • Probably the nerves you built up worrying all day.  I hope you're feeling better.  Try to relax, and remember each day is a day closer to seeing your LO :) 
    HarLynn's mama
  • I'm sorry you had to deal with this, but I agree that it's probably just subconscious (sp?) nerves. I hope you feel better!
  • Your nerves could have gotten the better of you hun... hope you're feeling like yourself again today!


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  • I agree with PP ... It was probably a mixture of your nerves and the grease or something ... I know my DH always used to big me pre-pg ... I would make myself sick for no reason ... and He used to always tell me. "The mind is the most powerful thing and your's is like nothing i've ever seen before" ... ugh ... I'm a hypochondriac though ...

    Hope you feel better!!!



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