March 2011 Moms

Ordered the glider :)

Re: Ordered the glider :)

  • Nice! We made our first BR purchase today (got a bassinet from local classified site)... it makes it a little bit more real :D

    I like the colors... and it looks like a comfy cushion :D

    Lilypie Premature Baby tickers Photobucket Photobucket
  • Very nice!  I wanted one of those, but DH has the rocking chair from his mom (who's passed on) from when he was born, so its something special he wants to share with our baby, and pass it on to them to use with their children as well.  It's the basic classic wooden rocking chair- i might needs to get some pads for it to make it a little more cozy, but i like the idea behind it, and I've already tried and can fall asleep in it! lol

    HarLynn's mama
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  • aw! i love the rockers bc i think about how much time we'll spend in them with the baby! 
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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