DH and I decided to go ahead and just go for it- and make a trip to Ikea this weekend. With him being gone all of October, January, Feb, and March...we need to go ahead and do this now so that he can put it together and we can cross it off the list.
I went back and forth on buying Ikea stuff or nicer stuff..but in the end, I fully expect it to get beat the heck up and not look perfect after the move next year anyways, so I would rather spend less on furniture and more on cloth diapers and other things.
Re: Going to take the plunge...and buy nursery furniture!
Life of mrsjanks
Me: 31, DH: 34, Married 5/29/05
BFP #1: 6/22/10, EDD 3/6/11, DS born 2/25/11 @ 38w5d
BFP #2: 7/27/13, EDD 4/9/14, CP 8/3/13
BFP #3: 8/31/13, EDD 5/10/13, DD born med-free 5/9/14 @ 39w6d