March 2011 Moms

had an u/s today

on my thyroid. I had to go to a radiology center to get it done.

I was hoping the u/s tech would say something like "ok, now let's see the baby!".  Kidding.  I knew there was no chance of that, but a girl can dream, right?  


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Re: had an u/s today

  • Aww, bummer.
  • I hope the results come back fantastic!  When I had my echo they used a different type of u/s machine, did the one for your thyroid look similar?  And yes, you can dream :)
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  • imageTwinkz:
    I hope the results come back fantastic!  When I had my echo they used a different type of u/s machine, did the one for your thyroid look similar?  And yes, you can dream :)

    Thanks! I'm not too worried about the results.  My latest b/w looked good so the Synthroid has it under control.  I think the dr. just wanted to see the condition of the thyroid to see if I have Hashimoto's Disease. I think it was a regular u/s machine.  She used the same type of wand that is used for abdominal u/s on my neck.  I was worried that it would tickle and I'd start laughing like a crazy person but it was fine.

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  • That would've been great! Maybe next time :)

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    i know if i were the u/s tech, i would have wanted to see the baby!


    i just wanted to say that i love the picture of your doggie. it makes me happy every time i see it. i love all the doggie pictures posted on this board!

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