I have my 2nd appt. in a week and the irrational fears have started. I'm starting to get so nervous that we're going to get there and see that the baby stopped growing. Uggh. I wish I could just go see my dr. now!
On top of that, I had a dream last night that I had an ultrasound machine and I was sitting in this room trying to find the baby with it. But the machine was also a tv and radio and I couldn't find the u/s setting. I finally did find it but I couldn't find the baby.
Deep breaths, deep breaths...
Re: Irrational fears...
You're not alone in this at all. I actually don't get nervous until the day I'm going to the doctor. Then I start thinking the same things! I have my NT scan today and it will be the first time the "co creator" is joining me so I'm EXTRA nervous. You would think I'd feel better with him by my side....OY
I wish you could just see in there whenever you wanted!
I have those same fears and some others. My fears are completely irrational and I think we are all normal.
Deep breaths is right