I ordered the Sonoline B from Amazon and the package came today and they updgraded my order to the Sonoline C. There was a letter saying that the manufacturer had mislabeled the C's as B's so I was getting an upgrade. I will take it! Now i just hope I can figure out how to use it.
BFP #1- 12/3/09, EDD- 8/7/10, Missed M/C at 8 weeks & D&C- 1/5/10, BFP #2- July 2010, Baby Charlie Born March 29, 2011,
BFP #3- 4/12/12- EDD- 12/21/12, Missed M/C at 10 1/2 weeks 5/29/12, D&C 6/1/12- testing results showed triploidy, IF testing all normal,
February 2013- IUI#1, femara, follistim, trigger =BFN, March 2013- IUI#2, femara, follistim, trigger= BFP #4, 3/20/12, Beta#1 16dpo= 397, Beta #2 18dpo= 1037, Beta#3 24dpo= 11,589- EDD 11/30/13- It's a Girl!!!
We ordered the same one and it came yesterday. My husband and I couldn't wait to get the older three to bed, so we could play with the doppler. We heard it within about 5-7 minutes. It was around 156 bpm. It's fun, but definitely very addictive.
Re: Ordered my doppler :)
how much did it cost i want one for my birthday...
I ordered from Amazon and with overnight shipping it came to $70.
Your welcome. Just remember to get the 3mHz one.