i know we just "talked" about how to handle when a stranger touches your stomach, but i was still totally ill prepared when it happened to me today! i am doing my pharmacy rotations for school. each rotation is 6 weeks long in 6 different pharmacies (36 wks total). so today this woman i met 3 days ago is walking towards me, catches my eye and mouths the words "are you pregnant?" so i nodded. no sense hiding it, clearly i am going to get bigger every day and i am going to be there for 5 more weeks. and then she put her HAND ON MY BUMP! i think i probably tensed up and pulled away a bit, but nothing abrupt. i am so annoyed. i am a pg PERSON, not an elevator button, door knob or hand rail that is there for everyone/anyone to touch and to be disinfected periodically. NO TOUCHING. ARG! and so it begins.
Re: someone touched my BUMP!