March 2011 Moms

march momma's creativity needed

dh and i are planning to tell my step sons about LO this weekend. i would like to do something fun but i  can't think of anything. my coworker suggested a pinata with candy and baby stuff...kind of cute but maybe not! my step sons are 12 and 9. any thoughts? how did you tell older siblings? any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

p.s. im at work and this might be a p&r till i get home (unless my boss leaves for the day!)

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Re: march momma's creativity needed

  • What about a scavenger hunt kinda thing?  You could give them a card saying a hint as to where to find another card (make them think, don't just say go to the bathroom- say something more like this is where water flows and gets flushed away or something)... make about 5 or so cards they have to find, then towards the end you can have a baby bottle or a diaper, and put something in the cards saying there will be changes and we will need you to help and be responsible and take care of this surprise, maybe in a little box you can say here are somethings you may need to help us out.  And have baby toys, bottles, etc. 

    Good luck and have fun with it!  I wanna do something like that now!  Don't have anyone to do it for though!  Maybe the next one! 

    HarLynn's mama
  • I like pps scavenger hunt idea... maybe end with a shirt that says "big brother" or something like that.
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  • How about a little scavenger hunt with the last clue leading them to a calendar with your due date circled?  

    Or maybe a word find with all baby words and video them as they catch on to the theme.  Tell them it's a special homework assignment :) 

    Good luck! 

    Lilypie First Birthday tickers Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
  • I love the scavenger hunt idea!  Super fun!

    I remember on Full House (yes, I am dating myself here), that Becky told Jesse about their baby with a theme meal.  They had baby back ribs, baby corn, and something else baby. Then she made him guess what they all had in common.  I always thought that would have been fun, though I am not sure of the exact audience but 9 and 12 seem old enough to get it!
    imageBaby Birthday Ticker Ticker imageLilypie First Birthday tickers
  • imagePhillychickadee:
    I love the scavenger hunt idea!  Super fun!

    I remember on Full House (yes, I am dating myself here), that Becky told Jesse about their baby with a theme meal.  They had baby back ribs, baby corn, and something else baby. Then she made him guess what they all had in common.  I always thought that would have been fun, though I am not sure of the exact audience but 9 and 12 seem old enough to get it!

    i totally remember that episode! :-)

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  • My SS is only 5 so we went really simple when we told him.  After my last appointment we told him we had a surprise to tell him about.  Then we told him that there is a baby growing in my tummy and that it has to grow for a long time to get strong, so sometime around his b-day it will be born.  He was estatic and jumped on DH saying he was so happy.  Then he turned to me and asked if he can watch the dr take the baby out of my tummy.  Gotta love what they come up with!

    I think the pp idea of a scavenger hunt would be a lot of fun for 12 and 9 yr olds.  Good luck!

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