I don't know what we're having yet, but I've been stuck on the name Anya for a girl for the last couple weeks (pronounced Ohn-ya, not Anne-ya. Its russian I believe). Thoughts on this name anyone?
Dh and I really haven't talked about names yet, he just saw it on my list and said something about "baby Anya" and poked my belliy, I couldn't tell if he was being serious or teasing me ...
Re: Anya
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lol ok so its just me...
I love Anya. I think it's so sweet and simple. I think Russian names are lovely. Mischa, Irina, Sonya, Vera, and Sasha are some of my favorites.
Unfortunately, Austin Powers ruined Ivana for me...
That's DD's name, so of course I love it
My family thought it was a weird name at first, but it's grown on them.
People do mispronounce it from time to time, but it's not usually Ann-ya ... they usually try to say Ah-nye-ah ... guess you can't win. I just tell them it rhymes with lasagna.
It is the most popular girl name in Russia, but we are Irish/German/Scandinavian, so that doesn't apply
I agree
No, I totally butchered the pronunciation too. I didn't know it was an option. It's okay TMPO.
Heavens to Murgatroyd Blog
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Brutal honesty? This name has always bothered me, unless the family is actually Russian, in which case I think it's fine. Other than that, it makes me picture a child of a young, unwed, uneducated mother. The barefoot and cigarette smoking type of pregnant chick. Also, I knew an Anya in high school and the boys always made jokes like "I wanna get Anya" and "I wanna be Anya" and even "I wanna come Anya"...
Sorry, just my .02!
I think the name Anya is beautiful but unless I'm totally misreading the OP's attempt at a pronunciation guide, I have never in my LIFE heard anyone pronounce the name starting with a long O sound (Ohn-ya like the word Oh or Apollo Ohno?)
No, it's awn-ya, like the word "on" or "yawn."
I've known a few Anyas, and they've all been cultured Manhattan types. I'm mystified by the PP depiction of them as uneducated hicks.
There was also that great character Anya on Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
from me!
It is Russian.
We pronounce it on-ya.
TTC #2 since June '08
~*DD 10.21.07*~
dx unexplained
IUI #1-4 BFN
IVF#1 June 2011 BFN
IVF#2 Dec 2011
Beta#1 12/21 : 812 Beta#2 12/23 : 1634
EDD 8/25
BFP#1 10/8/10- Natural m/c 11/24/10, Unknown cause
BFP#2 1/31/11- Blighted Ovum D&C 3/3/11, XX Trisomy 22
BFP#3 3/30/12- Ectopic Pregnancy, discovered @ 8wk
BFP#4 10/2/12
I think it is a beautiful name, always have.
*TOTAL GEEK FACTOID* Anya was the name of the goofy vengeance demon on Buffy. She was a riot and one of my favorite characters.