March 2011 Moms

Just venting..

I'm 10 weeks today (=)) And throughout this whole thing the morning sickness hasn't been too awfully terrible, just a bit of nausea. But, for the past couple of weeks I've felt great. I've been able to eat without feeling sick. It's almost like I'm not even pregnant (except for the exhaustion that hits around 12). The only times I've even been sick seems like the days where I move up a week. Last Wednesday (9th week), I was so sick I couldn't work or even move without throwing up. And today (10th week) I haven't thrown up or anything but I've felt close to it a time or two. It's strange. But I guess he or she just just letting me know that it's still there =) 

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Re: Just venting..

  • Well mine must be telling me "I'm still here" all day long every hour on the hour :D

    But I'm glad your are feeling better :D Yay for that :D 

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  • I had only had  mild nausea.  usually once i ate i felt fine, and as long as I kept eating every 2 hours or so, no problems!  But the end of last week I wasn't even feeling that.  I finally thought- THANK GOD!  It's finally subsiding...  NOPE!  the past few days I'm more nauseas than I've been.  It could have something to do with my schedule at work changing to midnight shifts though. 
    HarLynn's mama
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  • yeah I thought m/s was suppose to get better the further along you are , apperantly not, mine has gone from being nauseas all day every day to not being able to keep any sort of food or drink down at all in the morning and nausea all day long.
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