March 2011 Moms

Pregnancy Pillow

I broke down last night and went to Target and purchased the Bobby full body pregnancy pillow. As I was in the check out line I thought to myself "am I really about to spend $50 on a body pillow?" Let me tell you ladies, it is totally worth it! I crawled into bed about 7 last night to watch t.v. and try out the pillow. I had a really bad headache so I turned off the t.v. about 7:15. All I know is I was passed out by 7:30 and I slept till 5 this morning when my alarm went off for work! That was the best night of sleep that I've had in a month! I know that I have many more nights of big belly uncomfortable sleeping ahead of me so I thought it was too early to get one, but I can tell you that I normally wake up at least 5 times to pee at night, and last night I only got up twice!

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Re: Pregnancy Pillow

  • Awesome!  I have the snoogle and it has changed my sleeping experience! :)
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  • imageLovingStepMom:
    Awesome!  I have the snoogle and it has changed my sleeping experience! :)


    LovingStepMom: You're actually the reason I went ahead and got one! I'd read your posts about how much you loved yours, so I owe you a huge thanks!

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  • Oh yes! The Boppy body pillow was one of my first it!
                                         my blog - cheese & cheesecake

    Me: 31, DH: 34, Married 5/29/05
    BFP #1: 6/22/10, EDD 3/6/11, DS born 2/25/11 @ 38w5d
    BFP #2: 7/27/13, EDD 4/9/14, CP 8/3/13
    BFP #3: 8/31/13, EDD 5/10/13, DD born med-free 5/9/14 @ 39w6d 
  • imagemandaree:

    Awesome!  I have the snoogle and it has changed my sleeping experience! :)


    LovingStepMom: You're actually the reason I went ahead and got one! I'd read your posts about how much you loved yours, so I owe you a huge thanks!

    Oh good ;)

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  • OMG i REALLY need to get one of these because i sleep HORRIBLY now..I tried making my own pallet last night and that surely did not work at all..if i could fall asleep as fast as you did, i will be gladly to spend 50 dollars on 1 !!
  • I have been tossing and turning all night for a week now. It may be time...


    bfp#4 3/19/2014 edd 12/1/2014 please let this be the one!

    beta @ 5w0d = 12,026! u/s 4/22/14 @ 8w1d it's twins!

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  • imagemandaree:
    I broke down last night and went to Target and purchased the Bobby full body pregnancy pillow. As I was in the check out line I thought to myself "am I really about to spend $50 on a body pillow?" Let me tell you ladies, it is totally worth it! I crawled into bed about 7 last night to watch t.v. and try out the pillow. I had a really bad headache so I turned off the t.v. about 7:15. All I know is I was passed out by 7:30 and I slept till 5 this morning when my alarm went off for work! That was the best night of sleep that I've had in a month! I know that I have many more nights of big belly uncomfortable sleeping ahead of me so I thought it was too early to get one, but I can tell you that I normally wake up at least 5 times to pee at night, and last night I only got up twice!

      I so agree with you!!!  I have been having a hard time sleeping bought a body pillow and it  worked for the first few nights.  Then the other dad hubby said lets go to target and I asked why and he said to get you the boppy pillow.  I was really nervous 50.00 dollars for one pillow!  Let me tell you it has been a life saver and last night was only the second time I have used it! And its great to wrap around you when you are surfing the net or watching TV! :) A must for any prego lady! Good luck! 

  • I wish I had the same experience as you ladies.

    Mine has been a lifesaver in that I can put it in between me and my fiancee and not get elbowed in the head anymore (he's a very active sleeper). As for helping me isn't helpful. I'm hoping that it might grow on me once I'm bigger, though.

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