I am loving all these ultrasound pics today! We also had our NT scan this morning. It was so exciting to see our baby moving around, kicking, flipping....last time it just looked like a jelly bean with a heartbeat! It took about 10 minutes for the baby to cooperate for the tech, but she was able to tell that everything looked normal and that the baby is growing right on track. Also, some great news about my uterus: at the last ultrasound they were concerned because it looked like I had a bicornuate uterus, with a septum down the middle. Well, apparently the septum doesn't completely divide the uterus because my baby is now occupying both sides with plenty of room! Big sigh of relief! We are definitely feeling blessed today!
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Re: Another NT scan, with pic!
What a great picture! He/she looks nice and snug in there. I can't wait for my NT scan on the 13th.
Not sure if you care, but you can see your name on the picture.
Thanks! I saw it as soon as I posted and edited it out. Oops!