March 2011 Moms

My stomach looks lopsided

This probably sounds crazy, but I swear it's bigger on one side!  I'm almost 10 weeks so it's probably mostly bloat, but I yesterday I pulled up my shirt and looked down (as I do many times a day) and below my belly button, one side looks bigger than the other.  Could the baby be more on one side or am I just crazy?
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Re: My stomach looks lopsided

  • I don't know about right now...kind of hard to image that it would be the baby.  With DS I remember my bump being totally lopsided later my bb would be to one side! lol  It was really funny!
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  • I am the same way. Its not the baby since he/she is hardly above the pelvis but maybe the organs that get pushed up are causing it to look that way? I have no idea but it reminds me when I was lopsided with my kids when i was really pregnant. Its pretty obvious sometimes.
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  • My left side is definitely sticking out further than my right side.  So it's me too.
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