March 2011 Moms

Watch out for jumping dogs!

I went to someone's house last night for a church meeting.  I did not get through the door before their lab jumped right on my abdomen.  So, I sat there for the next hour wondering if I was feeling any cramping.  I'm fine, but it was scary.

I have two dogs of my own and love dogs.  Just be careful when visiting other people's homes.


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Re: Watch out for jumping dogs!

  • Eeks....good advice!  I'm glad you are fine :)

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  • Glad you're fine - I'm pretty sure right now the baby is really cushioned and the dog would have to do some serious knocking you down and jumping on you to be concerned.  But always good to be aware. 
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  • Same with toddlers!  :)  My DS doesn't get that he can't bounce on my stomach like he used to or how he does with DH. 
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  • imagechicsub:
    Same with toddlers!  :)  My DS doesn't get that he can't bounce on my stomach like he used to or how he does with DH. 

    This. Between our dog and my DS, I'm constantly having to move myself out of the way. Especially DS...walking and climbing all over momma is apparently a lot of fun when I'm sitting or laying down. Baby is so padded right now though I'm sure it's fine.

  • imagechicsub:
    Same with toddlers!  :)  My DS doesn't get that he can't bounce on my stomach like he used to or how he does with DH. 

    This exactly! lol  It's going to get really old when I get bigger! :)

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