March 2011 Moms

Anyone had cryotherapy prior to getting pregnant?

   I was at my OB appt. the other day and he was reviewing my history. I told him I had cryotherapy (freezing) for an abnormal pap. He then informs me that I can no longer lift and writes me an excuse for work. I work as a nurse in a hospital and have to turn and lift patients on a daily basis. So I was totally thinking, "Ummm this is not going to work." I gave the excuse to my boss and he said I can't work then. Plus there is no light duty for me to possibly do. I have to call the OB's office tomorrow to make sure there is no possible way I can lift, even if for a couple more weeks. Im only 12 weeks so 28 weeks on leave is scaring me. Plus I'll only have a very short time with baby after delivery! Ugh this is frustrating! Thanks for letting me vent! Anyone else have a similar situation?
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Re: Anyone had cryotherapy prior to getting pregnant?

  • I have not, and I hope things work out for you.  There isnt even any kind of "desk" work they can have you do? 

     As a side note I want to point out that I didn't know what cryotherapy was before reading your post and I thought you meant "Cry - o - therapy" which I do quite often :)

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  • I actually have had cryo done three times.  My doc said there is no reason for me to stop normal activity, but at week 16 we would start doing u/s every 2 weeks to make sure my cervix is lengthening like it should - if it isn't I will have to go on bed rest. 
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  • I'm not sure if I had cryo (can't remember) but I had a LEEP.  My doctor didn't say I need to do anything different.  She checked out my cervix and said it looks fine.
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  • imageeeyoreem:

    I have not, and I hope things work out for you.  There isnt even any kind of "desk" work they can have you do? 

     As a side note I want to point out that I didn't know what cryotherapy was before reading your post and I thought you meant "Cry - o - therapy" which I do quite often :)

    This is so funny! Made me giggle!
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  • Thanks for the replies ladies. I have another ultrasound on  the 21 to measure my cervical length. I talked to the nurse at the dr.'s office today and I'll find out if I still have to not lift tomorrow once she talks to him. But on a positive note, if everything come back okay from the ultrasound, I do not have to be off till he comes. She kinda thought I was crazy that I thought that, but I told her that the excuse I was given said no lifting until 6 weeks postpartum! Staying positive : )
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