Getting tired of the routine. I feel burnt out and getting depressed b/c I never get to leave the house besides work, or do anything fun. I'm so behind of house work that on the weekends I try and try to get everything done, but end up not being able to finish anything-plus I give up, and just want to rest!! Been making dh do must of it. It's just boring I guess. Tired of being sick, teaching, and doing work all the time!!! I freaking have to get ready for bed starting around 7pm, b/c it takes me so long to go to sleep. I work, eat, bathe, and go to sleep!
I'm hoping and praying it gets better soon. Is it sad that I'm already looking forward to xmas break?? lol
Re: in a rut
I feel the same way, I can't stand feeling sick all the time. I also go to bed around 7 because it takes me a long time and because I'M SO TIRED!
I'm hopping this gets better and lets hope we both feel better
It will! It will!!! We're almost to the 2nd tri!!!! Hang on!!!
I'm done with the weekends of working,, moreso now then before. Praying for the opportunity to change shifts or even companies but same pay and benefits or better benefits!