March 2011 Moms

So hormonal today.

If I'm not crying because I can't make a phone call (Dear AT&T- your commercials may say you cover 97% of the US, but that doesn't mean sh!t unless I can make an outgoing call with all of my bars!!!- I am SO not paying my bill) or I'm irritated to the point of shaking over something really stupid!

I mean, should FI misunderstanding a text really make me angry enough to want to shut my phone off and ignore him until he gets home? Ugh!

Somebody please tell me that I'm not the only irrational crazy lady today.

Re: So hormonal today.

  • Well,, maybe a little. Just smile real sweetly, bat your eyes and say: I'm pregnant! lol


  • Oh man, DH and I went to a couple friend's wedding last night.  It was a long hour and a half traditional Catholic Filipino wedding.  Standing up and down, up and down, kneeling, communion, all that jazz!  It wasn't very emotional, not like the bride and groom said much or wrote their own vows or anything.....but let me tell you, I balled like a baby through the entire ceremony!  I was so embarassed!  Even the moms were only tearing up a little.  I don't even think the bride and groom cried.  But here I was, tears just flowing, soaking the top of my dress!  I just couldn't stop them!  Talk about emotional pregnancy hormones!!
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  • That was me two days ago! First of all I wasn't feeling well and sometimes when I eat apples it helps (who knew right?) and my husband asked me "do you want an apple?" and I said yes.  He came back with a GREEN apple and I immediately started crying loudly yelling at him that I wanted a RED apple.

    I felt so bad for him lol...he forgave me :D and yes the "but...I'm pregnant did help"

    Hope you feel better soon!! 

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  • So, my FI came home all sweaty and manly after a long hot day in the sun mowing a cemetery, and he bought 2 ice packs for me :) (I am prone to migraines and my previous ice packs exploded so I have been using frozen peas- which smell awful) and I'm just feeling so much better!

  • You are definitely not the only one.  DH made me furious today and even though I knew it wasn't a big deal, I just couldn't stop crying.  I even told him while I was crying that I felt like all these hormones were driving me crazy!  He was very understanding, just hugged me and stroked my hair and talked to me about what was bothering me.  Thank goodness for my patient husband!
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