I have been having these "stabbing" pains throughout my stomach starting last night. They don't feel like cramps but in fact sharp stabbing pains. They even woke me up from sleep.
I'm not worried so to say, as I'm not bleeding and they don't feel like cramps but would like to understand/know what it is, in case I do need to inform my Dr. before I go in 3 weeks.
Any ideas or suggestions on how to make them stop? They are not comfy whatsoever.
Re: Queston: XP from 1st Tri
Thanks, I'm going to look into that right now as I have no idea what round ligament pains are.
Thanks again.
Definitely sounds like round ligament. Things you read say they don't start until 2nd tri but I have had them with this pregnancy since 8 weeks.
Mine feel like a stabbing, pulling, pain when I get up or stretch too much. They suck but are normal and you can't really make them stop.
Oh man
Thanks for the info tho. I had no idea what was going on. Just that it hurt lol.
Great,, another wonderful thing to look forward to while carrying another human being! lol
Pregnancy pillow? Haven't got one yet, but after watching the Back Up Plan, feel sorry for the DH!