March 2011 Moms

Dh's coming home

I just sent him a message telling him I woke up from a nap and he replied saying he's on his way home.  His boss is on vacation so he asked his temporary supervisor who was completely fine with it.  One of the guys in his shop, but under a different job title, told him they won't count it as sick time but whatever.  I'm just glad he's going to get me something to drink.  I'm too weak to go to the store and there's nothing in this house right now that isn't making me sick.  Maybe that alone will let him use sick time.  Either way, I'm glad that he decided to take the last 4 hrs off...

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Re: Dh's coming home

  • that's great he's going home to you.  sounds like you needed him.  sorry they are being jerks at his work.  hope you feel better soon!

  • Thanks!  I'm really hopeful.  He's getting popsicles and apple juice.  Neither of which I've tried but everything I have been drinking is no longer working.  I miss water so much.  My mom just called and was a little shocked that he's taking time off but I think she was just surprised we had been ok with it.  Neither of us ever really use sick time or take time off.  Either way I'm really looking forward to being taken care of lol... 
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  • I'm sorry you are still feeling so icky, but yay for him coming home to help take care of you!
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  • That's great.  I've been in your boat many times over the last 5 weeks and my DH has been a lifesaver when my head is in the toilet and I can't move from bed. 

    YAY to great Dh's

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