March 2011 Moms

Throwing up and Prenatal Vitamins

So I feel blessed because I have not had any m/s at all. However today I threw up for an unknown reason. Should I take more prenatals or will it be ok? I hate when things like this happen on the weekend and you can't call the OB or doctor...TIA!
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Re: Throwing up and Prenatal Vitamins

  • I'd assume missing one prenatal isn't a big deal at all.  I wouldn't take another one.
    image Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • No don't take another one. I was sick for about two weeks and I asked my doctor if I should take another one if I throw up in the mornings and I take my vitamin in the morning and she said no :)
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  • i threw up for the first time last night about 30 min after i took my prenatal--i've never thrown up in the last two pregnancies so it was odd...but no, don't take another one--you should be fine, and hopefully some of the vitamins were absorbed.   :-)  feel better!
    image Robbie's Blog
    DD #1 born 10/21/03

    DD #2 born 2/8/06

    DS no hb 11/17/10 at 21w1d, d&e 11/24,demise due to fetal hydrops, from congestive heart failure, probably caused by structural malformation

    Our Rango....BFP 2/6/11...hb on 2/23...perfectly healthy, but no hb on 6/9/11 d & e 6/15/2011
    Rango's Blog
  • I'm with the other girls, you'll be ok without taking another one. Sorry your sick, it's not fun, but it's not for an unknown reason ... you've got a little baby growing in there! Smile hope you're feeling better soon.

  • Try taking them at night right before you go to bed this has helped me.
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers imageLilypie Pregnancy tickers
  • imageNavyGMWife:
    Try taking them at night right before you go to bed this has helped me.

    I did this! Also, I know a few of us march moms all had a random bout of m/s after not really having any for a while in the middle of 11 weeks. It's the 11 and a half week curse! lol 

  • Definitely dont take another. Theres such thing as "Too much of a good thing." :P
    Lilypie Breastfeeding tickers Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • AmzyAmzy member
    Thanks everyone, and it seems like the 11.5 week curse because now I feel fine.
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