I have had a HUGE headache for more than 24 hours. I've tried Tylenol, water, caffeine, sitting in the bathroom with the door closed and hot, hot water running, I've taken a shower and let water pound on my head and neck, I've put my face over a bowl of hot water with lemon juice for the steam, I've put a hot wrap on my neck and forehead/eyes and nothing has worked. I'm about to go insane the pain is so bad. Any other suggestions you can think of?
Re: help!
benadryl to constrict blood vessels, and a cold gel ice pack on your eyes/forehead as opposed to hot.
Heat always makes my headaches worse, but I am prone to migraine headaches, and caffeine is my most intense trigger
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Remain hydrated, but stay away from heat which will only make it worse. If laying down is more confortable, lay down in bed with the lights off, curtain drawn, and the ac very cold. Try ice packs wrapped in towels, or simply a cool, damp washcloth to your forehead or the back of your neck. Whatever you do, eliminate as much light, sound, and heat as you can, and rest your body. If it's uncomfortable to lay down, prop yourself upright on pillows. If it doesn't go away by the morning, you need to call a doctor.
the dr did tell me that benadryl was ok to take today. if nothing else, it should help you sleep. i am so sorry. that sounds horrible. but i agree. call the dr if it doesn't get better or becomes absolutely intolerable.
I tend to get migranes...and this is going to sound weird but who cares! I normally take a bra strap and wrap it around my head tightly by hooking the ends together...and that normally calms it down right away you can take a nap and hopefully when you get up it will be gone.
Thats what I do, my grandma showed me that and it works