As I approach the second trimester, and think about feeling the baby move I realize more and more I'm tired of saying 'it' and 'he or she'. Breakin out the baby names book!
It's so hard to get FI to participate in the baby name game. I have to compile a list of the names I like and ask him which ones he thinks are nice. So far, we have agreed pretty well on everything.
Have any of you other ladies been thinking about names/have you and DH decided on names?
Re: Starting to really think hard about names..
We have decided on a girl name - Zoey Alexandra. It took us a lot of back and forth and questions and whatever, but I chose Zoey and DH chose Alexandra (even though the MN is not my first choice, I love that he came up with it all by himself).
Let's just say I hope this baby is a girl, because we can NOT agree on a boy name. I love Eli Aaron, but he thinks the FN needs more syllables....ugghh!
we've been keeping a list of names we like and trying different combos to see which first name and middle name sound good together. i really want to have 2 names for each sex picked out by week 20 because my BF wants to find out the sex and i don't. i think if he knows its a boy he will let me pick outlandish girl names because they wont be for our baby and vice versa. i hate girl names and insist on using a boy name if we have a girl and he hates the idea. like i saw Gavin James on somebodys siggy for their boy and i think that is an awesome name..but for a girl.
anyway, we have two first names and keep coming up with different middle names. but i still want two for each sex and then not settle on a name until the baby is out. i just worry we'll settle on one name and take one look at our kid and realize it doesn't fit. i need an alternative. we got 8 weeks to go, i hope we can figure something out.
What I did was I went on-line and found a list of the 100 most popular names and I highlighted each name in different colors. One color for the names I liked and one color for the names I didn't like. Then I wrote down a reason why I didn't like it. Most of the reasons were because I already have a family member with that name. (I have a big family). It really helped me and the reason why I picked the most popular names is because sometimes you wind up with some really weird names like Doctor. Lol.
I went through a time when I was obsessed with baby names. Like that's all I wanted to look at on-line and we bought a baby name book when we weren't pregnant yet.
We've pretty much decided on 2 names but I'm still leaving my options open. We are NOT telling anyone the names. I just don't want to hear anyone's opinions because it's so hard to finally decided on a name that both of us like and then hear someone say something bad about it.
We had our boy name picked out when I was pg with E. My dad died and we decided to name the next one (H wanted to change Eli's name, but we had told my dad before he died that his name was Elijah and I didn't want to change it) to be a variation of my dad's name (Willie) and my FIL's name as the MN. So a boy will be William David, but will be called either Will or Liam (I like Liam, but DH isn't so sure).
A girl is unlikely given they are mostly boys (like 95% or more) in H's family, so we haven't really discussed.
Elijah Matthew - 5/3/07 ~ Adalyn Rosemary - 3/23/11
*Photos by Kacy Cierley*
We did Elijah and call him Eli. Might be something to think about.
BTW love the name!
Elijah Matthew - 5/3/07 ~ Adalyn Rosemary - 3/23/11
*Photos by Kacy Cierley*
If we have a boy, he will be Jack, no question. We've had this picked for, oh, 6 years or so. lol. It's after DH's grandfather, who he's very close with. We just have to pick a MN.
Girl will be either Elodie or Zoe. MN is Anne. We can't decide and might not decide until she comes out...