March 2011 Moms

Antibiotics while pregnant :(

I had my second appt yesterday. The good news is that we got to hear the heart beat! Nice and strong at 160! So amazing!

 The not so good news... I have cellulitis on my left breast, which is an infection most likely caused by a clogged milk duct. It has been uncomfortable and I've had some low-grade fevers, so they started me on Azithromycin. I took it before bed last night and was up ALL NIGHT with nausea that even my Zofran couldn't handle. I've been on azithro before, and it always made me feel a little queasy, but this was so much worse. Hopefully my body gets a little used to it. Maybe I'll take it with lunch today instead of at bedtime...

Has anyone else had to take antibiotics?

Re: Antibiotics while pregnant :(

  • I would definitely try and take it with food. Azithro makes me sick in general, too, but eating something with it generally helps.

    That seriously sucks, I'm sorry.  As if we don't have enough to deal with in these first few weeks! I hope you feel better soon. 

    TTC #1 since October 2008 March 2010--initial b/w and SA - normal What's next May 2010 - HSG, SHG June 2010 - IUI #1 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • So sorry...I had to take amoxicilin in early pregnancy for a sever sinus infection and now me and baby are doing well :)  I hoep you feel better soon!
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  • I had bronchitis right when we got the I had to go on zithromyacin for 5 days, and when it didn't work I went on another one for 10 days (I think amoxicillian).  Sorry, my spelling is awful.  It was a bad time because the morning sickness started around the same time, and I felt terrible! I felt better 2 weeks after finishing the antibiotics.  Try taking it with food, I did it with ice cream :-)  Feel better soon!
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  • I had to take antibiotics at week 6 and 7, and it made the morning sickness utterly awful.  Zofran did help take the edge off, but just know you can look forward to finishing the antibiotics and feeling better.  Hope that happens soon!
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