I was at my gastroenterologist today and we were talking about my pregnancy. She assumed I was taking extra calcium (in addition to my prenatal), but I'm not. I've never been told by my OBs to do that, not even in my first pregnancy. Does everyone take extra calcium or just it does depend on your OB?
Re: extra calcium?
But do I need to take it? I have an OB appt. tomorrow so I will try to remember to ask.
At my last prenatal appt my ob gave us a sheet about calcium and that pregnant women need 1000mg a day. I think you can get this if you drink enough milk, eat yogart and cheese and green leafy veg so I don't think an extra supplement is needed if you get enough. I was reading online that if you don't get enough calcium while babies bones and stuff are forming that they can pull if from you to build their own and that can leave you defficient. So I think its a safer bet to just make sure you get enough whether through food or supplements.
My dr. never told me to. Extra iron yes.
I also take Fish Oil. I did with the last baby as well.
Hmmm... my doctor said that drinking milk and eating cheese and yogurt wouldn't be enough. So she recommended that i take TUMS, it has 600 mg of calcium in 2 tablets. And that would also help with heartburn and whatnot.