over a Hungry Man frozen dinner.
Over our entire relationship I've learned to cook really well and I really enjoy it. My DH loves my cooking and brags to all his friends and we frequently have people over. I really haven't cooked for about 6 weeks and its so frustrating! It's so hard to figure out what to eat each night and I end up making him do most of the cooking or we order out cause I just can't handle it. He has NEVER made me feel bad about this but I feel guilty enough. Tonight we were out of options and at the grocery store he reached for a Hungry Man dinner. I cried the whole way home. I don't know why I just felt like it was a new low for me and I feel terribly guilty. I just want to want to cook again!
Anyone else have any breakdowns lately that are completely irrational?
Re: First Pregnancy Hormone complete breakdown...
YES i broke down the other day cause I had no urge to cook and asked DH to pick up some dinner from burger king. Knowing my tolerance for friend food is at an all time low he did great with getting me a grilled chicken wrap. But then got a coke with the meal. I was really looking forward to some sprite and broke down...over freakin sprite! I apologized to DH and he totally understands it's hormones.
On a side note...your fur babies are adorable!! is Lexi a Norweigan Elkhound?
I lost it last week because FI's dad ate my chicken parm leftovers. Then I lost it after the 'ranch house' we looked at turned out to be a double wide next US route 201 (complete with rd kill next to the driveway- great place for 2 cats a dog and a child right?), then I lost it because I felt too crummy to cook and we ordered a pizza for dinner... lol.. and that was one evening!
<a href="http://s844.photobucket.com/albums/ab4/mrsskelton/?action=view
Yes, Lexi is a Norwegian Elkhound - very good. Not very many people know what she is. She has the sweetest disposition. Thank you!
I'm so glad to know others are having breakdowns too over seemingly silly things. When I called my mom crying she freaked out cause she thought something "was really wrong" and when I told her why I was crying she started laughing - then felt bad. Pregnancy hormones are crazy!! Thanks for sharing your stories ladies!
Oh my goodness - I think I would freak about all of that even without the pregnancy hormones!
Even when you know you have the money it is still overwhelming. At least for me I worry about the unexpected stuff we didn't plan for. Have fun on your vacation - next week, right?
It sounds like we all have fabulous DH's who are understanding of us and our hormones!
Thanks. Yep, we leave on Sunday. My mom and I are going to the US Open in NY. We have gone together for the last 5 years. This may be our last year since I can't see going with an infant.