Philadelphia Babies

Doing Ab work during pregnancy

Does anyone know the protocol for doing abs during pregnancy?  I thought you are fine during your first semester and after that you need to modify.  For example, you shouldn't do abs on your back or stomach.


Any advice is greatly appreciated! 

Re: Doing Ab work during pregnancy

  • Honestly, doing Ab workouts during pregnancy seems really a waste of time.  You basically have no abs during pg and they often separate, so why worry about it.  If you want to do anything extra, do some more cardio or back exercises.  But if you really want some gentle alterative, this web site might be helpful: 

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  • I did a lot of sidelifts while pg for abs.  I was taking boot camp classes and the instructor was certified in pre- and postnatal fitness, so she gave me modified exercises to do.  Sidelifts are a great alternative whether you are pg or not

    Oh and I also ok'd it with my doctor

    DS 3.12.08
    DD 7.11.09
    DD 8.01.13
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  • Would you mind sharing what boot camp you went to during pregnancy? 
  • image2165Jackson:
    Would you mind sharing what boot camp you went to during pregnancy? 

    It was through in Washington Square.  They had one in Rittenhouse Square as well.  It was really for new moms and their kids, but I got pg again when DS was only about 7 months.  Since the instructor was so accommodating with giving me modified exercises when needed, I kept going

    I have since moved out of the city and sadly my boot camp friends said the classes stopped due to lack of interest

    DS 3.12.08
    DD 7.11.09
    DD 8.01.13
  • Definitely continue the abs as long as your doc tells you there is no reason to stop.  I exercised (ran, EFX, etc) throughout my entire pregnancy and now my little one is 5 weeks and I am bouncing back (from a C-section) with no problem.  Plus, I only gained 20lbs.  It only makes you and your baby stronger!  As far as abs post first trimester, just throw a king size pillow or two behind you.  You can continue abs all the way through.  I also did two prenatal dvds religiously..."10 Minute Prenatal Pilates" and Summer Sanders has a DVD workout as well.  I purchased both of them on Amazon. They kept me going and really helped me keep my core strong.  I had no back issues!  Try them out!  Good luck!
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