Omg, finally after several weeks of on and off nauseousness and i finally threw up!! Pretty gross, I know!! Ugh... well why does it take like seafood??? its it the prenatal? will it get worse from now on???
I only threw up one day. It was pretty much the whole day but it was just one day. It didn't taste like seafood. Sorry I can't be of much help. Does your prenatal of animal derived DHA?
I haven't had a problem with actually throwing up, but if I dont eat before taking my prenatal it totally makes me want to hurl. I suggest if you think thats maybe the problem to eat a meal or snack, and then take your vitamin. I called my doctor about it and she suggested also taking it at night right before bed.
Be thankful that this was your first time throwing up. I've been throwing up most days (sometimes more than once a day) since about week 6-- so that means over a month now. Now THAT's disgusting. I find that eating a Tums right after throwing up helps get rid of the yucky taste and feeling.
Re: First Throw up!! and questions!?!