March 2011 Moms

First Throw up!! and questions!?!

Omg, finally after several weeks of on and off nauseousness and i finally threw up!! Pretty gross, I know!!  Ugh... well why does it take like seafood??? its it the prenatal? will it get worse from now on???



Re: First Throw up!! and questions!?!

  • I only threw up one day.  It was pretty much the whole day but it was just one day.  It didn't taste like seafood.  Sorry I can't be of much help.  Does your prenatal of animal derived DHA?
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  • are you taking omega 3?  I was taking one separate from my prenatal and I burped and it tasted like fish. Its its from the fish oil.  Pretty gross!!
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  • I haven't had a problem with actually throwing up, but if I dont eat before taking my prenatal it totally makes me want to hurl. I suggest if you think thats maybe the problem to eat a meal or snack, and then take your vitamin. I called my doctor about it and she suggested also taking it at night right before bed. 
  • Be thankful that this was your first time throwing up. I've been throwing up most days (sometimes more than once a day) since about week 6-- so that means over a month now. Now THAT's disgusting. I find that eating a Tums right after throwing up helps get rid of the yucky taste and feeling. 
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