Philadelphia Babies

Anyone go to Main Line Health (Dr. Bernardini??) Recommendations!!

Was looking for OB/GYN and heard that Dr. Bernardini is very nice? Anyone have any experience with that practice or can recommend a Practice from Bryn Mawr Hospital? Thanks!

Re: Anyone go to Main Line Health (Dr. Bernardini??) Recommendations!!

  • Hi,

     I go to that practice, newly pregnant 7 weeks now. Dr. Lu is my main doctor but have not had luck getting appointments with her as she is always booked and I love her, so gentle and nice.  I have not seen Dr. Bernardini yet.  I have only seen the nurse Harriet so far at Rosemont for prenatal care.  

  • Thanks! That's good to know.  I hearn Dr. Bernardini is very nice too so that's great.   Have you been there yet since you are pregnant? I am just wondering if they have you see a nurse in the beginning or have you been going there prior to your pregnancy? I am 5 weeks and still have not called to make an appt.  I am currently seeing an RE until 8 wks.

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  • I was at the Rosemont office yesterday to see the nurse as I have been having stomach pain that does not subside.  She had me go for blood work and scheduled me for an ultrasound next Tuesday.  My first prenatal appointment is on Sept. 1st and it's with the nurse Martha.  Main Line said the doctors do not do the prenatal appointments.  I was surprised by this.  I would recommend making your appointments  now if you want to see a specific doctor because the wait is usually 1-2 months unless you have a problem. Prior to my pregnancy, I only saw Dr. Lu annually for my pap for the last 10 years and only her.  I would highly recommend her!  That's the whole reason I am going to this practice.

    Hope this helps!  With is an RE?

  • I use the practice and have had pretty positive experiences there.  Dr. Bernardini is wonderful.  She is a mom and has the perfect amount of sympathy but will also tell you how it is going to be!

    During my first pregnancy, I tried to schedule an appt. with  each doctor to get to know them a bit.  When you are in labor, you get whoever is on call, so I wanted to feel comfortable with each one.

    I now try to use Bernardini or El Mallah all the time.   Dr. El Mallah has the sweetest personality and a truly awesome bedside manner.  He is so gentle. Lu was fine, I only saw her once or twice and it wasn't too memorable.  Dein delivered my son, and he strikes me as a little arrogant and patronizing, so not my favorite.  The new guy, Dr. Dardarian saw me for my first prenatal with # 2 (I am 10 weeks now) and he seemed a bit scatterbrained. 

    Overall though, they are competent and I had a great experience.  Good luck!

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  • RE stand for Reproductive Endocrinologist (Fertilty Dr) I was on Clomid

    I would really want to see a Dr at my 1st appt there and not a nurse.  I just would feel better hearing all is ok from a Dr.  Don't they do an u/s?   I am hoping that can happen? Sounds like you guys like the practice and I think I may try them.  Some of my family had been to them for other reasons (not baby) and they really liked them.  Thanks!

  • For most of your prenatal visits, it really doesn't matter who you see.  The first one was them ordering your blood work, asking questions, setting up an U/S, asking questions about family histories, and giving you the instructions of what not to eat, etc.   Then  about 4 wks later you will have your u/s most likely followed immediately by an appt where the doc will explain the u/s or discuss if it revealed anything.  All of the appts after an u/s they have connected me with a doctor and not the nurse. Oh, and the docs don't do the u/s, a u/s technician does.

    After that, until they are doing internals in your last 4 weeks, all they really did was check the heartbeat and ask if I felt ok.  In my opinion, anyone could do that.  If you had a preference, though, they normally try to work it out. It really just depends on their schedule. Some of the docs travel to Malvern, so if you are flexible with your location, you might be able to get a certain doc. 

    This might be totally different if you have a high risk or complications in your pregnancy.  I was standard operating procedure.  

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  • I really like Dr. Bernardini, Dr. Dien, and the new guy.  I have been trying to meet all of the dr's in the practice.  They tried telling me the nurse practioner would see me for my first appt, after I told them my fertility dr wanted me to see Bernardini I did not have to see Harriett.  On the phone the receptionist drives me crazy.  I had to call about an issue last week and she made it sound like Dr. Lu may or may not call me back.  I waited over 4 hours for a call back, I had to call the office manager who assured me Dr. Lu returns all of her calls, which she did but the receptionist's wishy washy attitude was very distrubing.  I would say I like most of the dr's could do without some of the office staff and nurses.
  • Hi, I am 36 weeks pregnant with my second child and also go to Main Line Health. Love all the women drs in that group (Bernardini, Lu and Leone). I also work with them in Labor and Delivery at Bryn Mawr- you can't go wrong with this group. Best Wishes!

  • I wanted to go to her but she was booked up more than 3 mo in advance.  I heard great things about her.
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  • Love, love, love her. She and Dr. Dein are my faves at the practice (have been going there since college, so almost 20 years), but they are all so nice. Dr. Bernardini delivered my second baby and she was cracking jokes so much I had to tell her to stop making me laugh so I could push. :-) I was high risk with both pregancies due to a blood clotting disorder so I was there a lot, especially toward the end of the pregnancies, and every doctor was awesome.
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