March 2011 Moms

How to increase fluid intake??

Does anyone have any suggestions of how to increase fluid/water intake? I think I am getting dehydrated. I have an issue with my drinks being really cold, and at my desk at work I can't keep my drink cold. Water is getting old.. Thoughts? Ideas? Suggestions? THANKS! Smile

Re: How to increase fluid intake??

  • I've been mixing crystal light and koolaide in my water. I also eat a lot of watermellon because I'm tired of drinking!
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  • get a big thermos and freeze ice in it  (a 1/4 full or so) then fill the rest with water as the day goes on the ice melts you drink cold water. 

    As far as being boring I would look at herbal teas I like Celestial Seasons Red Zinger  add it to the water and it flavors but doesn't add anything that can make you more dehydrated. 

    I have a water bottle that I carry around and drink all day and refill. I've been pretty good at getting my 1/2 gallon by doing this. Always have a water bottle with you.

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  • I have been craving watermelon!!
  • do you like carbonated water?  i like the ones that have a bit of fruit flavor.

    otherwise i just slash a bit of OJ into my water.  the sugar helps my ms too.

  • I have heard artifical sweeteners are great to consume. Has anyone else heard this? Like in crystal light ect.
  • Artificial sweeteners and carbonation are going to dehydrate you more.  Drink clear things, like apple juice and light gatorade, and natural lemonade.  If you can stand it, mix these in with water, so that the water has flavor, but you are getting more water and less sugar.  I have to have my water ice cold to drink it, so I drink a lot of gatorade or apple juice, mixed with half water.  This is what the nurse told me to do, when I called freaking out because I thought I was dying, but I was really just dehydrated.  :)
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  • My dr told me to stay away from artificial sweetners so I have kicked the diet soda habit and I drink juice or water most of the time, sometimes I just want a soda but I limit myself to 1 every couple days unless I get the tiny cans with only 8 oz
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  • skioskio member

    I've had the same problems! I got some plastic cups and have been putting ice in a cup with my drinks to keep them colder.

    Anything with lemon in it seems to go down easier - snapple iced tea with lemon especially.

    I've also bee eating lots of food with tons of water in them - watermelon, popsicles, brothy soups.


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  • skioskio member

    I have heard artifical sweeteners are great to consume. Has anyone else heard this? Like in crystal light ect. doctor (and everything I've read) say to stay away from all artificial sweeteners, especially aspartame.

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  • imageskio:

    I have heard artifical sweeteners are great to consume. Has anyone else heard this? Like in crystal light ect. doctor (and everything I've read) say to stay away from all artificial sweeteners, especially aspartame.

    This exactly!

  • I'm in the same boat.  The last time I went to the doctor they said I was to the point where I almost needed to go to the hospital and get an IV for fluids.  I've been trying to drink lots of water.  Gatorade has been making me ill so now I'm on Pedialite, which tastes like Kool-aid.  The powder packets that you mix with water are much better than the bottles I think.

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  • I like to have a water bottle with me all the time and I fill it half way with water and the other half with Red Gatorade.

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