I'm so excited, but also really nervous!! I have no idea what to expect really, My Family Doctor did all of the initial blood work, when I was around 5 weeks and went to get my pregnancy confirmed ... I assume a pelvic, which worries me since I have been spotting off and on since 6 weeks, it has stopped and i don't want to start spotting again!!!! i know it's normal blah blah blah ... but when you spot off and on ... it just gets frustrating!!!!!!
Any advice ladies???
Re: FINALLY!!! My first appointment is here!!!
Sorry..no advice...but good luck
My first appointment was with the OB nurse just to get medical history. My second appointment (first with the doctor) was a pelvic, pap, and we listened to the h/b with a doppler.
Good luck. Let us know how it went!
July 2, 2010- BFP Beta July 5th - 931 Repeat beta July 7th - 2,779
July 13, 2010- First ultrasound! Gestational sac found!
July 16, 2010 - 2nd u/s due to bleeding. Twins found! Baby A is great! Praying for Baby B!
July 23, 2010 - 3rd u/s. Saw Baby A's flicker of a heartbeat! Lost Baby B. :-(
March 16, 2011 - Nathan James was born
November 26, 2012 - surprise BFP! It's a girl!
July 26, 2013 - Lilianna Jean was born
How exciting! My first visit I had a blood test and a pap (5 weeks). The second one we had our first u/s (7 weeks) and consultation about family history etc.
Keep us posted!