I've noticed that if I don't eat a big dinner I'll wake up the next morning with the shakes. Its weird... My hands are steady, but I feel like I'm shaking. Almost like a nervous jitter. It does go away as soon as I eat a little something (usually a nutrigrain bar does the trick).
I know some people are getting hungry in the middle of the night, but if this is the case for me maybe I'm a REALLY heavy sleeper and just sleep through it?!?
I asked the opinion from a friend thats going through nursing school, and she said its normal. It just seems odd to me...
Anyone else going through this? Would you call your doctor and let them know?
Re: Woke up feeling funny...
Elijah Matthew - 5/3/07 ~ Adalyn Rosemary - 3/23/11
*Photos by Kacy Cierley*
ive been doing this for the past 8 weeks, today was the first day i felt normal when i woke up (hoping not to jinx myself) Good Luck!
I am the same way, I don't get up and eat during the night at all. In the mornings if I don't eat first thing I feel like I am going to pass out. Once I eat though I am good. I think its just from going so long without food.