March 2011 Moms

Woke up starving!!

Oh my, what a morning.  I ate a grilled cheese at 1am and woke up at 6am starving. I ate some oatmeal so hopefully I can get back to sleep a little bit. I've been hungry before, but I'm wondering if I'm entering a new phase of hunger-ness. I really need to get to the grocery store to get some food, I guess. I hope everyone has a great day!

Re: Woke up starving!!

  • I started this "new phase" last week.  I found that if I eat a really big dinner with protein in it, I am finally able to get through the night without eating....though I still get up to pee a couple of times.

    Good luck to us all!

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  • same here the past week its felt like i havent eaten in months even though i would eat a peanut butter sandwich at 5 7 i was incredibly empty. Much different from the weeks before this one.
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  • I too agree!! I think it is a new phase we are entering!

    I have found myself the last few days feeling PARCHED and thirstly all the time!! I am having a hard time drinking water unless is is super cold, and at my desk at work I can't keep it cold. I think I am getting dehydrated! I try to make up for it when I can get a cold drink.. I think that is why watermelon hits the spot, I've been craving it! Wink

  • I don't think I'm in the same phase as you guys yet but I do wake up hungry in the morning and as long as I have a few bites of something and it tells my brain I've eaten I can go back to sleep without really eating too much.
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