March 2011 Moms

question about 2nd appt

I am just wondering what happens at your second ob appt? Mine is on Monday I will be 10w5d and I think it will be to early to hear the hb on the they check the hb every time you go? So if they cant find it on teh dopplar do they do a quick u/s? What happened with you ladies??

Re: question about 2nd appt

  • I have my 2nd one tomorrow, but when I was pregnant with DS, I think I peed in a cup, got weighed, blood pressure, doppler, measure tummy (I think), and ask questions.  After the first appt., the rest are pretty quick. 
  • At my doctor's office ...we did my annual pap and took blood and yes, they found the hb on the doppler.  I asked her what would happen if we did not hear it and she said we would do a u/s and that I would never leave her office wondering if baby was in there with a beating heart :)
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  • I'm going in for my 2nd appt this week. The MW said we'll hear the heartbeat on the doppler and they'll talk about weight, nutrition, and diet. 
  • I heard the hb at my second apt. I was shocked to hear it at 9w4d! I told FI  not to bother to come because I thought it would be too early and low and behold!

    Anyway, other than that, my OB asked me how I was feeling along with the usual weight and BP stuff and I was in and out in 5 minutes. I spent more time in the waiting room than I did in the office. 

  • I know the nurse told me everything that would happen, but all I remember is the pap. I guess I remembered that because I need to "get ready" down there. Haha. Mine is today.. hoping to hear the heartbeat though!
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  • imagelovesBup:

    I heard the hb at my second apt. I was shocked to hear it at 9w4d! I told FI  not to bother to come because I thought it would be too early and low and behold!

    Anyway, other than that, my OB asked me how I was feeling along with the usual weight and BP stuff and I was in and out in 5 minutes. I spent more time in the waiting room than I did in the office. 

    this is pretty much what happened to me. i heard the heartbeat on the doppler at 8w1d.

    i had my 3rd appt yesterday at 12w1d.  pee in a cup. check blood pressure. listen to heartbeat on doppler. q & a time with doctor. pay and set up next appt. i think that's how they will be unless its the u/s at 20 weeks

    Bre Wrties
  • My OB did use the doppler at my 10w5d appt. He was able to find the HB easily but he did say it was on the cusp of maybe not being able to hear it. He would have done an u/s if we wouldn't have found it. :)
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