Anybody have a 34 weeker. When did they start smiling, tracking objects, etc? My DS is 8 weeks(2.5 weeks adjusted) and seems to be awake a lot, but doesn't really look at you or smile. It worries me a little bit.
My 33 weeker really didn't start real smiles and focusing/tracking things until about 4 months actual, 2.5 adjusted. But all babies, especially preemies are going to do it differently.
My 33 weeker really didn't start real smiles and focusing/tracking things until about 4 months actual, 2.5 adjusted. But all babies, especially preemies are going to do it differently.
I don't know why it worries me. EI came yesterday and for some reason it got me all freaked out.
DS started to smile at 4-5 weeks adjusted, so right on "schedule" for his adjusted age. I don't remember when he started really tracking, but at 2.5 weeks adjusted, it would still be VERY early to do either so I wouldn't worry at all yet.
DS was born at 34 weeks. It seemed to take forever for him to smile and track. The first milestones. but slowly the milestones started to line up with his actual age. He hasn't been early for anything but on time. The only thing he is behind on now is speech.
My little man was born at 32w1d and ended up smiling at 3 months actual (1 month adjusted). It was only when we would touch his nose or other parts of his face and said with a smile "Little nose" or "little chin" and the like.
Our babies will do everything on their own time. I have a hard time being patient...but Will still hasn't rolled from tummy to back (at over 5 months actual, 3 months adjusted). He has ZERO interest in doing that, but he's wanting to sit up like crazy (assisted of course).
Re: Milestones
I don't know why it worries me. EI came yesterday and for some reason it got me all freaked out.
My little man was born at 32w1d and ended up smiling at 3 months actual (1 month adjusted). It was only when we would touch his nose or other parts of his face and said with a smile "Little nose" or "little chin" and the like.
Our babies will do everything on their own time. I have a hard time being patient...but Will still hasn't rolled from tummy to back (at over 5 months actual, 3 months adjusted). He has ZERO interest in doing that, but he's wanting to sit up like crazy (assisted of course).