It gets so fricken annoying. My sisters DD reminds me of B. Very passive and doesn't defend herself. Now she is only 15 onths old (5 days older then Carly) but thats exactly how B was as a baby and still is. Carly on the other hand is very independent (well as much as a 15month old can be), and totally defends herself and isn't afraid to take things away if someone take someone from her.
So Carly will always "beat up" on Braelyn. Like yesterday B was laying on the floor and C walks over and rolls on her and sits on her. Sits on her face and belly and bounces up and down. Totally playing around. Carly will try to do the same thing to my niece or will even take toys or a bottle from my niece. She will hit my niece on a head with a toy, not being mean just playing. When she does the hitting with a toy I will tell Carly that isn't nice and we don't it but as far as taking things or sitting on her(not hurting her!) I don't always intervene. I feel like they are 15 months old, let them expore with eachother. Let them learn from eachother. If I have to tell C every.single.time. don't take that toy, don't sit on her, don't lean on her, don't take that bottle, I would be doing alot of nothing but that all day long.
Every single time another child gets near my niece my sister is "B, becareful." Kota, becareful, don't do that". She is going to get bumps and bruises. She is going to get knocked down. She is so fricken paranoid about her getting "hurt", it drives me nuts.
So my sister is constantly saying "oh Bella, Carly is such a bully", "your kid is such a bully". It's so fricken annoying. She isn't a bully, she is 15 months old.
And honestly B and C are two totally different kids. B lets kids take things from her and never defends herself. I love that C isn't afraid to defend herself.
Re: If my sister calls Carly a "bully" one more time....
DD2 likes to climb onto of dd1 & bounce too. It's not bullying, it's just playing around. However, I wouldn't be ok with her doing it to her niece or anyone else. It's different when it's someone else's kid. Maybe tell your sister that you will try to keep after Carly more when they play together if she agrees to stop calling her a bully?
I see both sides...Seeing as she was sick so young, she may be more of a helicopter Mom than you or I, kwim??
A does the EXACT same thing to M, and vice versa.....if A is whining a constant whine for any extended amt of time, I know that M has her pinned to the floor somewhere! LOL
I would tell her something like "Hey, theyre 15 mos old, not 3...she's not exactly understanding what you're trying to show much as you can "tell" Carly to give it back...She could teach her kid to take her own toys back LOLLLLLLLLLL
Maybe I'm the odd one out here, but I wouldn't be happy about somebody else's kid bouncing on mine or sitting on her face, either.
Your kid may be playing & you know that, but maybe the other little girl doesn't and doesn't like it but may not know exactly how to defend herself or get away. Someone sitting on top of you is a pretty big invasion of space for a young toddler to deal with, especially one that's passive.
I'm all for kids working it out, but 15 months is a little young to not intervene, IMO.
DD1, 1/5/2008 ~~~ DD2, 3/17/2010
I agree with this. At the same time calling a 15 mo a bully is a bit harsh.
Thanks for your opinions lady. I totally get what your saying.
I guess its just frustrating bc C is playing and it is not at all hurting her(I wouldn't let that happen or let it go if it did). We live in the same household so they are with eachother 24/7. And I guess all the other comments I hear daily just add to it. B is in this whiney phase and I will say I can't understand your baby voice, I need a big girl voice. Yet my sister will say "Oh your a baby Braelyn" or repeat what she is saying in a baby voice making fun basically. So after hearing it all day every day, it gets old and annoying.
Oh I would NOT let that slide!! She's basically taunting your daughter, and NOT helping the situation.