So, I've pretty much decided that we are going to register for (and buy ourselves, if necessary) a Baby Jogger City Mini stroller that will be used primarily for indoors and airport use, quick trips, stuff like that. We also have already bought a Britax Boulevard convertible car seat, that we didn't intend to buy already...haha...but it was such a good deal on closeout on Amazon, we couldn't pass it up!
Anyway, I *think* I've convinced myself that rather than just buying a infant car seat on its own, I want to get it as part of a travel system, for the obvious use in the beginning when baby is too small for just the stroller...but also to have a second stroller that might be a bit more heavy-duty than the City Mini. (That said, what I REALLY want is a $500+ all-terrain stroller, like Valco or Phil & Ted's, but I'm just not ready to fork out the cash, and I highly doubt anyone would buy one off our registry.) I'm pretty certain that one of our families would buy a regular travel system for us without batting an eye, though.
So, I've narrowed down my (affordable) travel system choices down to two...if price were no object, I'd probably register for the Peg Perego Pliko Switch system, or the pieces individually, but they're so expensive. Anyway, choices:
Graco Stylus in Ben
I love the colors, plus the car seat goes to 35 lbs, and it's available to put on a registry at BRU (and available in-store, in case someone wanted to go out and actually buy it for us). It is ~$100 more than my other choice.
Evenflo Aura Elite in Greenville
I've seen this one in person, and it's a lot nicer than it looks online. The car seat only goes to 22 lbs, though (but does this matter since we already have the Britax?)...AND...they don't carry it at BRU, which was the only place I intended to register. They do have it at Target and Wal-Mart, but it's online-only at both places.
Which would you pick and why??
Re: Travel system question
We bought our travel system with Eli and got the graco one. We love it. It holds up well. Loved having a pumpkin seat that goes to 35 pounds too (although we moved to a convertible one for the comfort of my son before 35 pounds, we didn't move to the convertible one until he was 30ish pounds and therefore it was after the cut off of the snug ride or the one you listed above). The graco moves well and I love taking it for walks/outside use. The only time it didn't do well was on gravel. And it definitely isn't the best for shopping inside because the wheels turn 360 degrees and in tight quarters, you can easily get stuck. All in all, we will use it again for this baby and I loved it. Definitely a life savor for the 1st few months.
OH just remembered the snug rides (the graco ones that don't go to 35lbs.) seem to fit good on top of most carts, but the safe-T seat kind (the one you are talking about) doesn't always. It is a little bigger and it tends to not sit as well. And obviously since it is bigger, that also means heavier, which after about 7 months, you will WANT to stop carrying your child in it, if you have a porker like I did (but that might be the same regardless of the seat you get).
Elijah Matthew - 5/3/07 ~ Adalyn Rosemary - 3/23/11
*Photos by Kacy Cierley*
I would go with a Snap N' Go and call it a day! They are super lightweight, easy to store, have cupholders, good basket and if the airlines ruin them you don't care b/c they don't cost that much.
We had a Snap N' Go that I used when DS was really little for airport, mall, anywhere I went basically. It was nice b/c I ended up with a c/s and lifting was a little ouchie for awhile.
We also have a BOB Revolution that I really love and put an infant seat adapter on that (wish we got that right away!). I use it all.the.time and it's great for one-handed manuevering, festivals, long walks, etc.
For quick trips to the mall and Disney World we have a Uppa G-Lite. I also really like this one, I can do everything with one hand (same with the BOB, although it's obviously heavier). The only thing is that I would get the Uppa that reclines.
I know you didn't ask for other recommendations, but just thought I'd throw that out there. Everyone I know IRL that has the Snap N' Go was really sad to give it up when the baby was out of the infant carseat b/c it is really sooo convenient and light.
After re-reading my OP and thinking about it some more, I think we will register for the Graco Stylus system in Ben, but if for some reason, no one buys it and we don't have gift cards to BRU, then we'll just buy the Evenflo one for $100 cheaper.
As for the Snap n Go, thanks for the suggestion! I've considered that before, but I really want a second stroller, just for a backup, second vehicle, etc., etc., and the travel system seems to be the most economical way to go about it. (i.e., if I were to buy a Graco SnugRide 35, it would be around $160 just for the seat...but I can get the whole Evenflo travel system for the same cost, kwim?)
Here is my opinion (since I agonized over strollers with #1). Get a infant car seat and then a Graco Snap n Go frame. The frame is so much easier to use and is lighter than a travel system. Plus, you are getting a City Mini, which is an awesome stroller and very sturdy. I really wanted to get one, but we settled on the Phil/Teds because we could add the 2nd seat and knew we were going to have 2 kids pretty close together. We don't really have the space for a fleet of strollers. Also, you can get an adapting kit to fit the carseat onto the City Mini.
Also, as for carseat weight limits, I don't think the higher (32lb+) are worth it unless you really like the look/pattern of that seat. When your LO is around 16lbs. you will no longer want to haul them around in the carseat if you don't have to and will more than likely just leave it in the car all the time. The Britax you have can be used at 20lbs (rear facing).
Ditto. We have a Graco Snug Ride and it doesn't fit securely on top of the shopping cart. I either put the whole carseat in the basket of the cart, left DS at home, or carried him in a carrier.
Actually, our Britax can be used at 5 lbs rear-facing, from birth, which I think is pretty cool. We'll probably install it in DH's car so we'll always have a car seat in both cars, at least until LO grows out of the infant seat.
We started out with the Chicco Cortina travel system. We loved the car seat, but the stroller was just huge and cumbersome. We ended up buying a Snap-n-Go and it was awesome. I would take DD out in the Chicco stroller for walks, but the Snap-n-Go stayed in the car. Both DH and I agree the Snap-n-Go was one of the best baby purchases we made.
We also have a McClaren Triumph, City Mini and Bob Revolution. The McClaren is a good size for running errands. I prefer the Bob for trips to the zoo and obviously for running. I'm one of the few people who is not a rabid fan of the City Mini. We actually had planned for the City Mini to be our main stroller, but ended up having to buy the McClaren because we had major issues with the wheels and customer service is horrible. DD also hated it because even in the "upright" position she is reclined and can't see much.
I can't believe I have so many strollers and now have to go research and buy doubles. Oy.
Basically, you buy the infant carseat and the stroller together and they are matchy, matchy. The carseat snaps into the stroller. When you don't need the carseat anymore, you just use the stroller.
Thank you!