So I've been getting lots of Braxton Hicks contractions (like 10/hour). I call the on-call nurse to see if I should come in. She consulted a doc that said only if they're painful, more than 4/hour, and lasting longer than 5 seconds each. She tells me to hydrate and lie on my left side.
So I do this for 3 hours and the contractions don't go away! I call back and this time I'm told to come in to the triage. So I start getting to make the drive (quick shower, dressed, take dog out) and they've stopped.
Now I'm just noticing my stomach is extremely firm (all the time). This is my first day not working, and my husband is not in town, so I'm wondering if being all alone w/ nothing to do has me more paranoid than normal. Contractions are definitely stopped. But all this contraction confusion is exhausting. Can't wait for morning and a new day.
Re: BH Contractions.. this is so confusing/exhausting
ask your OB to be put on a home uterine monitor. I had one from 24wks-35wks it really put my mind at ease. You monitor 2x a day for 1 hour and send in data to the nurse & she calls you with report.
Unless they are taking your breath away they are BH. I would have up to 10+ an hour too. As my OB said " you will know the difference". It is scary and uncomfortable nonetheless!
Good luck
I've had lots of contractions for a while now.. BH go away when you change positions and are painless..
So my suggestion is to get up, walk around, do something and see if they stop.. also stay hydrated & empty your bladder (having a full bladder can cause contractions) If they stop.. then they are BH, if you are having them constantly and they are pretty regular and there is some pain associated then they are real contractions