
Never wake a sleeping baby??

I'm ready for bed, but DS hasn't eaten since 5:30pm. He started acting hungry at 8:30, so I got his bottle out, but he only ate an ounce and has been passed out asleep since. Dare I put him in bed and go to bed myself or should I "dream feed" him?
Kaden William 11/4/06 and Dawson Michael 6/30/10
Dawson's first birthday - at the zoo

Re: Never wake a sleeping baby??

  • With both of mine I woke them up as newborns to eat for the first 3-4 weeks and had a terrible time getting them on a day/night routine.  With the next one as long as they are not losing in the hospital and gaining when we go home I am not waking them up.  Unless it was going to break a good pattern I would let him sleep.  If you think that he would sleep longer if you fed him and want the extra sleep go for it. 
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