I had a miscarriage two weeks ago. Started testing with my clearblue easy ovulation kit on Monday. Nothing Mon, Tues, or Weds. Yesterday, got the big smiley face. Is it weird that made me so happy?
I think because I am almost 41 I worried it would take a long time to ovulate again.
Re: Is it weird that I am excited....
Not at all weird, girl!!! I hang on to everything "normal" that I can. Like when i got my dye test...doc thought I was hurting or something ...I was just glad to see those open tubes. And the first time I did OPKs ever in my life. line=cry. normal bloodtests=cry. Today I was comparing my FF charts and mine were matching women ten years younger than me=cry. Of course all the other stuff we go through causes crying of a different kind. I don't know how my DH can stand me right now.
So anyway welcome to almost 41 and congrats!!
I think its amazing you are ovulating again so quickly. I've never gotten a smiley face on the digitial OPK. I'd be thrilled.