Philadelphia Babies

Part-Time Daycare in or around NE Philly?

Hey Everyone!

DH and I are kind of going over our childcare options for when the baby comes and my maternity leave ends. I work 8:30PM to 5:00PM and DH works 3:30PM to 1:30AM. We would really only need coverage from 2:30PM to 5:30PM. Are there any daycares (Preferably in Far NE Philly, but we are open to suggestions), that take kids part-time like this? With our schedules, we feel it wouldn't be worth it to put baby in full-time. So our options really are A) Have me work part time (which we could try) or B) Find a part-time daycare. Both of our families work, so unfortunately that isn't an option. Anyone have any ideas, or know of anywhere?



Edited title for more specificity. 

Re: Part-Time Daycare in or around NE Philly?

  • I heard Panda Care Learning is a great place. I have a co worker who send her LOs there. There is 3 different locations and they do have a website.. but it looks like the best thing to do is call to find out more info. I know that her youngest is there part time.

    Hope this helps 


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  • Which far NE are you in? There is a Children of America in Southampton on Knowles Avenue that is really, really nice.

    If you are closer to Morrell/Franklin Mills you could look at Just Children (by the airport) and there is another Just Children in the Neshaminy Interplex.

    I don't live in the city, but my siblings still do and these are the centers they have used.

     Good luck.

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  • Thanks for the ideas!


    P.S. Good job on hitting my location almost exactly lol.

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