Hi ladies. I'm usually just a lurker here, but I have a quick question. I have an OB appt this afternoon, so I'm really just looking for opinions to ease my mind before I can see the Dr.
I've had some major swelling in my feet and hands for the last month or so due to the high heat and humidity where I live. My Dr. advised that I stay indoors and drink plenty of water and I have complied. However, I just noticed that this morning my right foot is easily twice the size of my left. I've also been having some stabbing pain in the right side of my butt for the last two days when walking or bending that I am attributing to pressure on the sciatic nerve. Have any of you noticed increased swelling with this type of sciatic pain? Or is it probably just a coincidence that it is on the same side?
Thanks for your help!
Re: Sciatica and Swelling?