3rd Trimester

how rude!

i went to dinner last night and on my way out the hostess stopped to talk to me about my belly....she started to ask me just general questions that everyone asks and i guess i stepped back a lil and she saw my wholy belly and her tone towards me totally changed it went from "aw  your so cute!" to "dang girl you're HUGE!!!!!!!!!!" and kept telling me how huge i was and that i look like i was gonna pop anyday and didnt look like i was 8 1/2 months pregnant that i looked like i was just gettin near my due date..AND then..she said the unthinkable (i already have self esteem issues with the weight i gained) she goes "girl you sure are big, you want me to grease the doorwary so you can fit through?" like...uh thanks, i laughed it off not to cause drama but dang, how freakin rude was she...i know i have a big belly (yay big baby) but she didnt have to go off on me like that and embarrase me...sheesh people need to learn boundaries

Re: how rude!

  • SurpriseIndifferent

    I can't believe someone would actually say that!!!

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  • You have a LOT more restraint than me (im feeling quite fiesty the bigger I get)..I probably would have punched her and kept walking.  Seriously though, what is wrong with people!
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  • WHAT? Im sorry but the way I read that..didn't at all get the idea that you were in a "i need a joke" kind of mood. I can't believe that anyone would say such a thing unless it was like your family.
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  • Oh HELL no...Angry I wouldn't be able to help myself, drama would certainly be on the cards if someone offered to "grease the doorway" for me. Sorry you had to hear such utter crap. I bet she thought she was being so witty as well. Ugh.

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  • When someone says that to you just say, Thanks you too! and keep walking... but make sure you turn around to catch their reactions :)

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  • imagemonimonimoni:
    Oh HELL no...Angry I wouldn't be able to help myself, drama would certainly be on the cards if someone offered to "grease the doorway" for me. Sorry you had to hear such utter crap. I bet she thought she was being so witty as well. Ugh.

    This. I would have asked to speak to her manager. That was completely rude & uncalled for. My mouth actually fell open as I was reading this!

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  • Surprise!!! If it makes you feel better, i had two VERY overweight women tell me yesterday, "youre ONLY eight months?? You look like youre going to pop ANY second..are you SURE there's only one in there!?!?" ugh. some people i swear.
  • OMGosh!!!! I would have not been nice if someone said that to me!
  • omg! how incredibly rude, i would have ended up saying something back to her! I have 1 month and 26 days to go and people tell me i look like im going to pop- im not even that big really- im normal for my week and can still touch my toes, see my feet, sit cross legged in the exam room- people just don't think! grrr....i agree with you that people need to learn boundaries.
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  • omg ! she is lucky you didn't punch her!  try not to feel too bad though, i have the same issue, i am very insecure about the weight gain.  I've gained a ton w/o any effort it just poured on! everyone says its all my belly (which it kind of is i guess but not to me) and everywhere i go people say im huge or everyone asks me its twins right???   which its not its just one tiny baby and one giant girl ! its so frustrating being told your huge everyday i mean what are these people thinking don't they know they're taking their lives in their hands by aggravating a pregnant woman ?!?! :)  
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