back from L&D, i started having pretty strong contractions around 1:30 this afternoon, called and was told to go into L&D, i headed in around 3:30. My contractions were 3 minutes apart. I was checked and was 3 cm dilated ( i forget the effacement %) so the Dr. examining me said to hang tight she was going to confer with the resident on call (who was the one who told me to come in). She came back and said they were going to wait 2 hrs and check me again. I continued to have contractions. 2 hrs passed and the dr who examined me came back and told me they were sending me home, she was not happy and wanted to keep me but the on call dr wanted to send me home. And they never checked me again so i have no clue if i am more dilated or anything. The dr actually said to me See you later.
I am still having strong (stronger than b4) contractions still around 2 to 3 minutes apart. It just sucks because im not sure what to do bc i dont wanna go all the way back for them to send me home again.
maybe i should just sleep the night and go in in the morning.
Re: L&D tonight,