3rd Trimester

Strange pains

Lately, I have been getting strange pains in my belly. ?They happen really anywhere... ?around my belly button, in the lower abdomen, upper abdomen, etc. ?I thought at first that it was a contraction, but my stomach doesn't harden. ?If it does, it's only in the area of pain. ?Usually if I drink some water and lay down it'll disappear within a half hour, sometimes less. I've talked to my doctor about it, but she doesn't seem concerned at all and doesn't really have an answer as to what is causing it. ?

Has anyone else experienced this? ?Any idea what might be causing it?

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Re: Strange pains

  • For myself it was just LO moving around. You may not always feel a specific part of their body. But also things are stretching so the pains could be from that as well. No need to worry, I think we all go through it.
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