So Jackson has been in a big boy bed for a few months now and he still is having a hard time. He won't stay in bed unless you sit with him and he cries and plays. The boys share a room and I work evenings 3 nights a week during the school year, so DH had gotten into the habit of laying with Anthony so Jackson stays in his bed. The problem is, now Anthony (who has never given us a hard time) wants someone to lay with him or whines and complains. I know we need to give these two some serious sleep training before the baby comes b/c we can't have one of us spending upwards of 2 hours trying to get them to sleep. It has been exhausting and of course we get nothing done at night b/c we are spending all that time in their room.
Any suggestions?
Is it best to put them down separate or together?
Should we just let them CIO? If they are together how to you manage this? Jackson has been taking a lot longer to fall asleep now, I don't want to keep Anthony up too late waiting for his brother to go to sleep.
I feel like I need to call supernanny and get them in here. I love having them share a room-except in this instance. *sigh* this too shall pass I suppose. I just wish I knew how to solve this. Now is the time though b/c I finished my summer program and am off for a few weeks so I have the time to help DH get them on a better routine.
Re: Sleep advice needed
Hi Amy! Hope you are feeling well!
I have no real advice from experience. Sam and max do not share a room and I am sure that complicates matters a lot.
My only advice is to talk about it earlier in the day. I don't know how well it will work with Jackson, but it may work well with Anthony. For Sam, I have noticed that if we talk beforehand and discuss a scenario before it happens, his behavior is10000 times better. Maybe if you discuss bedtime earlier in the day and tell him (or both) what you expect of them that evening, it will help.
Sorry, that isn't much help, but its all I got!