3rd Trimester

my DH is too funny!

i have never really had any cravings with any of my pregnancies and DH wants to be the hero and run out and get me whatever i desperately want....

we need to go grocery shopping SO badly and we have no milk...He mentioned that he was going to run out and get some for tomorrow just to hold us over, but has made no move to do so. 

 i just asked him if he was planning to run out becaue I would LOVE some ice cream--- I am not craving it...it would just be nice.  I have been LOVING popsicles latey and just want a change.  He JUMPED up and couldnt get out of the house fast enough!

hahaha- so cute

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Re: my DH is too funny!

  • hahaha cute!! you get milk and the awesome bonus of ICE CREAM!!! oh i have some in the freezer...((walking over now!))  :)
  • I say milk him for all he's worth!!!

    ...and show him your thankfulness in lots of affection, of course!

    however long the night, dawn will break.


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  • That is super cute. One of these days I'm going to wake up at 3 am and ask for something..just to see if I can get this response. I doubt it! I hear that early morning is the funniest! 
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