Hi everyone, I totally forgot this board existed so this is my first post. Does anyone know of any home daycare places in perry hall, white marsh, or parkville? I would like it to be a home day care, rather than an actual place like Celebree (spelling?) or something. TIA!!
Re: home daycare in perry hall/white marsh/parkville area
DD is starting tomorrow at a daycare off Bel Air Rd near Joppa Rd. I would suggest her but she has another little girl under 2 starting next week as well so no infant spots! I ended up going to https://www.mdchildcare.org/mdcfc/childcare/choose.html and doing a search for in-home providers in that area. I then just started cold calling them to see if they had an infant opening for the time I needed. After calling 5 people and meeting 2, I found my provider. GL!!!